Liz Smart
The Nakshatra birth star mantras are very personal expressions for each person. Your own personal Nakshatra comes from the name of the light from the star that heralded the moment when you passed from the unmanifest into the manifest – from stardust into birth.
Nakshatras are like celestial markers, cosmic imprints left by the stars when you took your first breath on this Earth. Your personal Nakshatra is essentially the cosmic signature of that moment, a unique blend of energies from the universe. It signifies the transition from the ethereal to the earthly, capturing the essence of your exist
Nakshatras are like celestial markers, cosmic imprints left by the stars when you took your first breath on this Earth. Your personal Nakshatra is essentially the cosmic signature of that moment, a unique blend of energies from the universe. It signifies the transition from the ethereal to the earthly, capturing the essence of your existence. It's a bit like a spiritual timestamp, a reminder of the profound connection between you and the cosmos since the day you were born
A Nakshatra is like a special star in the sky, and each person has their own star when they are born. Just like how each star in the sky is different and has its own brightness, your Nakshatra is unique to you. It's like having a special friend in the sky that watches over you and brings good vibes to your life